Crafting Options for the Because Rainbows Mitts
Alright, knitters... we have a lot of ground to cover with making these knits. And since I'm not a recipe blogger, let's just get right down to it. Buckle up!
The Because Rainbows Mitt pattern is great for colorwork and you'll find yourself increasing, decreasing, practicing your colorwork floats, working with two color strands at once, and making a weeee little thumb cuff.

You might notice that there are no instructions for a cable needle size. That's because you can totally use double pointed needles if the Magic Loop Method is not your jam. (Slowly raising my hand.) There is room for you to use whatever you're comfy with!
New to colorwork?
Choose the Rainbow Lite pattern option! This pattern uses a lot less color changes but it is easy to follow with the chart and written instructions. The main bulk of your zigs will be with one color, and your zags will be with the other! AND, if you want to get really crazy you can make your zags with 7 scraps. That will make every little electric current a different color.

Our sample knit pictured is the Rainbow Lite pattern and Yarn Kit. We made them in a darker and lighter color option but you can make both your mits the same or switch them up like we did!
The Double Rainbow!!

This is an 8 skein set that was currated to make each zig a rainbow pattern with a blending zag in the middle. We don't have a sample knit of this but it is VERY fun.
The colors change swiftly making this knit go the speed of lightening.
Only 7 mini skeins make up the body of the mitt. The 8th skein is something light and fluffy like a cloud and is used for your cuffs.
That is a lot of little ends to weave in but you can do it as you go by using this neat trick in Stephen West's video.
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